Jumat, 31 Maret 2017


Water is really important for our life. I can not imagine if in this world no water, because almost all of our activity we need water. When we wake up in the morning we should to drinking water, it is important to our health. After that, we take a bath using water to keep our body clean and fresh. In breakfast we drinking coffee or tea and that is need water. For keep plants in the garden alive we had to flush the water to them. And many more useability of water for our life. It can be said water is our source of life.
In scientific discussion water is a compound that is essential for all life forms on earth, water is a chemical compound that is the result of bonding of the elements hydrogen (H2) which is fused with the elements oxygen (O) in this form compound H2O. The function of water for life can not be replaced by other compounds, the main water use and are vital to life are as drinking water. Not only for drinking water is also a lot of usefulness and very needed by humans such as for bathing, washing clothes, washing hands, etc. So it can be imagine if we live without water, it will be difficult for us to do daily activities

Water is very important for humans because loss of water to 15% from body weight can lead to death because of dehydration. Therefore, adults need to drink at least as much as 1.5-2 liters a day to balance in the body and help metabolism.

In the human body, water is needed to transport food substances in solution form and dissolve various kinds of substances the body needs. For example, for dissolving oxygen before entering the blood vessels that surround the alveoli.

In many places in the world there is a shortage of water supply, water resource management is not good can cause water shortages, monopolization and privatization and even fuel the conflict. It can be happends because of the persons itself. People cutting trees in the forest without planting it again for replace it. Deforestation to make settlements without thinking the risk will their get in the future. So lets keep our world safe with keep forest and planting trees. Because no trees will make too much disaster for our life.

Jumat, 17 Maret 2017


Talking about my ability, I think I do not have special abilities and stand it out. But I have an unique hobby and make my own ability that perhaps not everyone have it, that is Beatbox. I like it and interest to learn about beatbox since I was in Senior High School, in there I joined my school communities and start learn what is that beatbox and how to do it from my senior. And not just in the school, i learn it from youtube tutorial.

Beatbox is one of art form that focuses on generating sounds, rhythmic drum beats, musical instruments, as well as an imitation of the sounds of music more especially the sound turntable through the vocal organs of man such as the mouth, tongue, lips and cavities said other. Players beatbox or commonly known beatboxer able to demonstrate any form of sounds reliably. Beatbox is always associated with vocal percussion and with multivocalism. Although basically the same, but in general the beatbox difference lies in the relationship with hip hop culture and music. However, in practice beatbox also be applied to other music genres such as rock, pop, r & b, and so on.

With my hobby that can be said unique, i often show up my beatbox skill in sholl party, events, etc. And I ever follow the competition in Pontianak.

Selasa, 07 Maret 2017



1.     Why have you chosen the profession of an economist?
2.     Would you like to work for a company, teach economic disciplines at university or operate your own economic business?
3.     Do you think you have entrepreneurial flair or talent? What traits is a successful businessman supposed to possess?

1.     We chose economics educations at FKIP UNTAN because when senior high school we learned in the department of IPS, we actually do not want to be a teacher, we’re interested to be an entrepreneur. We chose economics education because the opportunity to work graduates economy was more. In addition to be a teacher we can also be entrepreneurs or can be employees in a bank.

2.     We would like to work for a company because we liked the work in the company, because of the small we want to work in one of the company’s renowned in Indonesia, and also to the future we also want to open the business myself, because we are very fond of and interested in the world of business, and we want to be a successful entrepreneur someday.

3.     We think, we have entrepreneurial flair. in our opinion, a successful businessman should have planning , organizing, directing and controlling
·        Planning, sets out what is to be done the company and the best way to do it
·        Organizing, is the process of arranging resources and activities into a logical structure
·        Directing is a manager guides and motivates employees to achieve company goals
·        Controlling is the process of monitoring the performance of the company achieve its goals 



Society                                     : masyarakat / perkumpulan
Concerned                                : prihatin
Determine                                : menentukan
Various                                     : bermacam
Analyze                                    : menganalisa
Particular                                  : teliti
Comfortable                             : menyenangkan
Measured                                  : telah di perhitungkan
Regarded                                  : menghormati
Rather                                       : cukup
Ladder                                      : tangga / jenjang
Variety                                      : macam
Employed                                 : mempekerjakan
Analyst                                     : analis
Regarded                                  : menghormati
French                                      : orang prancis
Engage                                     : mengikutsertakan
Measured                                 : telah diperhitungkan
Hoping                                     : mengharapkan
Increase                                    ; pertambahan

Exercise 1. Study the meaning of the following words, then use them to fill in the gaps: monitoring, check, and control.

1.      I’ve ( monitor ) the documentation and everything is in older.
2.      Inflation has not gone away but it is under ( check )
3.      We constantly (control ) the situation and if anything goes wrong we take action immediately.
4.      We apologize for the delay wich is duo to reasons beyond our ( monitor )
5.      Economist ( control ) prices, compute total output and perform other useful tasks.

Exercise 2. Choose the words with similar meaning from two columns and arrange them in pairs

1.      Costs                : biaya-biaya ( paragraph 1, line 6 )
2.      Monitor            : mengamati ( paragraph 3, line 2 )
3.      Flair                 : bakat ( paragraph 4, line 4 )
4.      Entrepreneur    : pengusaha ( paragraph 4, line 3 )
5.      Forecast           : ramalan ( paragraph 3, line 1 )
6.      Provide            : menyediakan ( paragraph 2, line 4 )
7.      Job-setting       : pekerjaan pengaturan ( paragraph 2, line 1 )
8.      Liable              : dapat dikenakan ( nothing in paragraph )

a)      Supply, equip, outfit                : persediaan, melengkapi, perlengkapan (6)
b)      Expenses, outlay                     : pembelanjaan, pengeluaran (1)
c)      Control, manage                      : mengawas, mengatur (2)
d)     Skill, talent, inclination           : kemampuan, bakat, kecendrungan (3)
e)      Employer                                 : majikan (4)
f)       Responsible                             : bertanggung jawab (8)
g)      Place of work                          : tempat kerja (7)
h)      Prediction                                : ramalan (5)

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences using the words given below

1.      ( forecasts )means having the qualities that are needed to secceed as an entrepreneur.
2.      An ( entrepreneurial ) is a peson who sets up business and business deals.
3.      A ( tycoon ) is a person who is successful in business and so has become rich and powerful.
4.      The industry will have to pass its increase ( costs ) on to the consumer.
5.      The management will ( provide ) accommodation, food and drink for thirty people.
6.      He has always been ( self-employed ) for his children.
7.      The ( benefits or fringe benefits ) of the job include a car and free health insurance.
8.      He won’t ( quality ) as an economist until next year.
9.      An individual hoping to start up a new company needs to have entrepreneurial ( flair ) or talent.
10.  Unfortunately ( liable ) of higher profits did not come true
11.  Economist are concerned with the production, ( distribution ) and ( consumption )

Sabtu, 04 Maret 2017

Alamat : PERUMNAS 5
Pekerjaan : MAHASISWA.

Why i continue my study to university

I Continue My Study To University Level Because Of The Changes Of Era

The changes occur because the world seemed limitless in terms of easiness in communication that is call globalization. In this era of globalization, I would not compete if I do not take a college education. By studying in college, I hope to be able to compete globally and  improve the quality of my life and the people around me.

Not only me and my family that can enjoy the benefits of education. the general public also gets the benefit. Research shows that people who are less educated would be more productive to do a crime. So the main reason I continue the education Into higher level is to review finding and gain knowledge and experience as my learning to live in social, and also to increasing the quality of life.

no doubt that people who have a college degree is more appreciated and searched in the labor market than those who have just graduated from high school. even if the big companies recruit people, they will obviously choose the people with a college degree, it is also one of the reasons why I continued my education at the college level, that is to have the comprehensive  employment opportunities and more worthy.

If a professional in his field and has a high degree then he will have the opportunity to enhance their careers. Higher degree makes a person more knowledgeable and encouraged to be more creative, That's another reason why I should be studying in higher education that in order to have a chance to improve and advance the careers.