Selasa, 30 Mei 2017



Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Honorable, all audiences. Let's thank to Allah, The Creator of the Whole World. And Let's say Sholawat to our prophet Muhammad SAW. In this occasion, I would like to give a speech about the important of 9 years study. All audiences I love, we are obliged to study at least for 9 years, at least from Elementary School to Junior High School. The purposes are very simple: we can read and write, and also have a good character as having been taught by our teachers. Those three purposes surely have effects on our lives in the future.

If we can read, we can learn many things through books. If we can write, we can write something useful for the others. But both of them are not enough if we don’t have a good character. Because of a good character, we must do all religious teaching as good as possible, and we are able to respect one another, we will love our family, our neighbor, our friends, our teachers and the other human beings in the world. Finally, let's pray we can hopefully do all of them for our better lives.

That all I can deliver on this speech. I am sorry for some mistakes. Thank you for your attention

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Sabtu, 13 Mei 2017

“Cattle Business Ant Kroto”

Kroto ants or commonly called ant rangrang is a type of ant that can not live alone, they live in a colony or a large group. In one colony usually consists of one queen ant, male ant, worker ant and ant soldier.

Krroto ant or ant rangrang is the animal that is very guarding his territory, everything that can disrupt his territory can be a meal of his. Krroto ants or ant rangrang usually build its territory or nest to colonize by weaving the leaves

Since high school I already have a plan to open cattle ants kroto business and since the high school I have mebaca articles about how to care and take care of ant kroto and finally after I graduated high school I try to dare myself to start this business even though failed Because the place I use is too hot.

I use a media jar and also a bottle of drinking water that has been cut in two ways that is Preparing the empty jars make sure empty jars with the amount that has been adjusted with the number of ant colonies are available. Then the hole can be done using needles, nails, and others. To the number of holes up to how much, the granting of this hole so that the ant begin to quickly enter the jar and directly make a nest. The first thing the ants do is to close the holes in the jar walls and be used as a support and reinforcement for the bonds of ant nests when they will begin to knit the nest. Then lay the empty jar for the new nest, empty jars that have been given the hole was then placed near the ant colony nah we live just waiting the ants rangrang make his nest

After they make a nest in every jars tingal we take care of by way of routine feeding and sugar water until its time to be harvested eggs